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Hi, welcome to Close the Circle. We are nonprofit websites from which we attempt to make a real change in our world by sharing news, articles, tips and projects about sustainability, recycling, positive change and eco-friendly business. We had a small start in early 2017 when a huge recycling crisis shook the world as Chine declared that it would no longer be "taking care" of millions upon millions of tons of waste produced by other countries around the world. It was then when it stroke us the idea that "each country should make accountable and be able to deal, refuse and recycle 100% of their waste" 




Raise awareness, create positive change.

We began our small contributions by raising awareness about the difficult challenges that our planet and us, as a society are facing. We share environmental related news and communicate with relevant people to  the demand for more sustainability focused governments, businesses and ways of live. Now, in this new step in our trajectory to change the world we carry on the creation of this Blog/Website, where we intend to give a voice to the most interesting, educated and relevant people at our reach to give you their opinion and share research data. Analysing where we are at, and where we should be heading. We intend Close The Circle to become a referent in our paths to a more sustainable future by changing the way we do things with the tools we have today. 

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