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  • Writer's pictureAlvaro Lopez-Berges


When we talk about the 21st century being a defining moment in human history, it might sound a bit exaggerated. It couldn't be, however, closer to the truth. All the alarms at an environmental level are reaching maximum and the population around the world are starting to feel that the real pressure for positive and sustainable change, is on them.

A radical change to the way of how we run our businesses, do our purchases and in all stretch....our lives, is getting closer and closer. Population is ever growing, and so, is the demand for an alternative way of fulfilling our needs and necessities. An alternative way of doing things that, will eventually have to become the mainstream way of operating. A way in which producing, creating, delivering and refusing a given item, will be on equal terms part of the same equation. In all it's powerful sense, we need to close the circle.

To achieve this, not only is necessary for companies and distributors to make an active change on their production lines, but is necessary for consumers to demand that change and act accordingly to the sustainability wave that millions of people around the world are striving to create. We are currently in the moment in time which things like non-recyclable plastics ar starting to make us feel uncomfortable. We are starting to just become to terms with the idea that the life-circle of goods is somehow flawed. We however, find extremely difficult to break with the confortable way of shopping we have in this day and age. We go to the supermarket, we find our products wrapped in film, plastic trays, cardboard boxes and we assume that, that is the price to pay in order to maintain the hygiene standards and a grab-and-go consumption system. We are so used to this. We open our fridges at home and stare at a collection of un-reusable and un-recyclable containers that will make their way into nature sooner or later. We find so incredibly overwhelming the idea of changing our shopping patterns that we rather assume that is a cost we have to pay in order to live as confortable as we do right now.

I will tell you now though, that the change IS possible and that is start by taking small steps in the right direction. As everything in life, trying to achieve a lifetime goal in only one day, can seem impossible... and it is. But this is not a sprint run... but a marathon. A race that can only be won in the long term and that can only be won if little by little we make small changes to our daily shopping routines. You may be familiarised with a typical frase that people from generations prior to ours say often: "In my times, things were much simpler". Is in that sentence, where the solution to what we are trying to achieve lays. Find the way of making your shopping simple. Go to your town or neighbourhood local market. Go to your butcher, your fishmonger, your fruit and veg shop. Try actively ways to reduce the amount of plastic you use. Little by little, that new way of life will become the new normal. It will grow on you, on the same way that the businesses that you support by doing this will grow with the increasing demand.

You have the power to make a change. You just need to take the first step.

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